KillaCycle is no longer only the world’s quickest electric motorcycle, it is the world’s quickest electric vehicle of _any kind_.
The KillaCycle, ridden by Scotty Pollacheck, made drag racing history AGAIN at Bandimere Speedway October 23rd, 2008. 7.89 s @ 168 MPH is a new official record and makes KillaCycle to the world’s quickest electric vehicle of any kind! The A123 Systems Nanoposphate batteries are changing the entire landscape for electric vehicles, and battery-powered devices in general.
We always say “it is all about the batteries”. It is true that it is the batteries that makes KillaCycle quicker than all other electric vehicles, but without a great team we would never have taken the record back. Many thanks to Norm, Manfred and Joe for great help in the pit and at late nights in the garge. Your help and enthusiams makes it much easier and much more fun!
Photos of the bike and the team on the KillaCycle Webpage:
and video on YouTube or click at the picture below. (Sorry for the bad quality, I was a nervous camera woman with a small compact camera).
Bill and I at Bandimere Speedway.
Articles published about the record: