Finally! ElectroCat has been released from customs and arrived home to me! Enough paperwork is now done to get it released from customs. Many thanks to Pilot Freight Services and Gallagher Transportation that helped me with all the paperworks. I wouldn’t have managed this without their help. Thanks also to Department of Transportation that approved… Continue reading ElectroCat has arrived!
ElectroCat har anlänt!
Äntligen! som Gert Fylking utropar när Nobels litteraturpris tillkännages. Äntligen! ElectroCat har anlänt. Inte bara till Denver, utan hem till mig. Efter en månad som gisslan i tullen här i Denver, är nu tillräckligt mycket papperstuggande klart för att min elektriska lilla katt skulle kunna släppas ut. Kvar återstår ett par hinder till – nya… Continue reading ElectroCat har anlänt!
ElectroCat featured in two more International Blogs!
I say it over and over again – electric vehicles are hotter than ever! ElectroCat is featured in two more blogs the last month – one from Belarus and one from Romania. Two countries that I haven’t yet had the pleasure to visit. The blog from Belarus: If you, like me, don’t read Russian… Continue reading ElectroCat featured in two more International Blogs!
ElectroCat i tidningen Bike!
Det sägs att man aldrig blir profet i sin egen hemstad, men kanske kan man bli det i sitt eget hemland…. Hursomhelst, ElectroCat är omskriven med en trevlig liten artikel i senaste numret av tidningen Bike ( << Tidningen Bike – med artikel om ElectroCat – finns i din tidningskiosk >>> Denna trevlig nyhet sammanfaller… Continue reading ElectroCat i tidningen Bike!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ElectroCat, KillaCycle, Bill Dubé, I and the rest of the KillaCycle team wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New EV Year! I will continue to write about ElectroCat’s and KillaCycle’s adventures and proceedings here. I hope that I shortly will be able to publish more information about the new land speed… Continue reading Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
God Hjul och Gott Nytt Elfordonsår!
ElectroCat, KillaCycle, Bill Dubé, jag och resten av KillaCycle-teamet önskar er alla en riktigt God Hjul och Gott Nytt Elfordonsår! Jag kommer att fortsätta att rapportera om ElectroCat och KillaCycles äventyr och framsteg här. Inom kort hoppas jag kunna publicera mer information om den nya landhastighetsrekordmotorcykeln som håller på att byggas just nu. Med den… Continue reading God Hjul och Gott Nytt Elfordonsår!
ElectroCat on its way to USA!
ElectroCat is at this very moment at Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, waiting to be shipped to USA! It is scheduled to arrive on Sunday, and if everything goes smoothly I will get it before Christmas. What a perfect Christmas gift! Shipping a bike is complicated and expensive (the total cost will be between 15 000 and 20… Continue reading ElectroCat on its way to USA!
ElectroCat featured at four differnt blogs!
The interest in electric motorcycles has completely exploded! ElectroCat has been featured in four new blogs the last weeks! Two of the blogs are from ElectroCats home country Italy. The Italian has written a small article that I can’t understand because I don’t read Italian. Anyway – I trust that they have written something… Continue reading ElectroCat featured at four differnt blogs!
New photos!
New photos of the naked bike uploaded in the photo gallery! Go to and click on the album “ElectroCat – the finished bike”. The new photos are towards the end of the album.
Christmas time!
Christmas is coming up, and what would be more suitable for a beautiful Italian sportsbike that loves the camera, than a Christmas photo shot?! See a selection of Christmas photos in the Photo Gallery And there is more Christmas gifts to come; ElectroCat will probably be put in a big box and become a… Continue reading Christmas time!