I am moving to a brand new, fancy website at www.killacycleracing.com!
Despite Bill and I have been married since 2009 and lived together since 2008, we have finally moved in under the same domain!
You will now find us and the KillaCycle Racing team at www.killacycleracing.com. On this brand new, fancy website you can find everything about us, KillaCycle and KillaJoule.
You will find the very latest news at our Facebook page www.facebook.com/killacycle (you don’t have to be a Facebook member, just ignore the annoying prompt to log in).
You will find my blog “Gasoline?! That’s so last century!” under “News” – “Blog”, or using the direct link http://killacycleracing.com/news/blog/. The url www.evahakansson.com will also take you to my new blog.
www.evahakansson.se will no longer be updated, but I will keep the blog online as an archive.
// Eva & Bill