If you have followed our Facebook page, you have seen that I am taking KillaJoule all apart. Here is the reason why: KillaJoule is getting a sidecar!
Picture: CAD drawing of the sidecar. The tail section and the body work is missing, as you can see. All components for the sidecar have arrived and I started yesterday to make the parts.
It is very common to have steering and handling problems on new streamliner motorcycles. KillaJoule was no exception. Since I am an inexperienced streamliner pilot, I had to find a solution so I can drive it until I have gained enough experience to drive it. “Huh?” you might say. “How do you gain experience driving if you can’t drive?”Answer: The same way you did on the bicycle – you start out with three wheels and then you go to two wheels.
Three-wheeled motorcycles – “Trikes” – are not allowed in Bonneville, but you can put a training wheel on your motorcycle, a.k.a. a sidecar! 😀 And that is exactly what we are doing! This moves KillaJoule to the motorcycle sidecar streamliner class, but that is just fine. And I don’t have to worry balancing it.
Another good thing is that the world speed record for sidecar motorcycles is 216.208 MPH (348 km/h), and I think we can beat it! (This is the record for Bonneville; let me know if you know of a faster record). Wouldn’t it be way cool if the world’s fastest sidecar motorcycle is _electric_? 😉
Picture: This is how it will look from the front. The sidecar wheel is a front wheel from a dragster (a so called “front runner”). Many thanks to Woody at Woody’s Wheel Works for helping me find the right wheel.